Sunday, September 1, 2019

Harvesters of Sorrow

"My life suffocates
Planting seeds of hate
I've loved, turned to hate
 Trapped far beyond my fate
I give, you take
This life that I forsake
Been cheated of my youth
You turned this lie to truth
Anger, misery
You'll suffer unto me
Harvester of sorrow
Language of the mad
Harvester of sorrow"

   As we approach the edge of the unknown, like the falling into the seemingly endless oblivion of a black hole, there emerges fully the harvesters of sorrow. These are the vultures that eagerly await the final breaths of its dying prey. Counting on the valiant that dared the chaos enshrouding their soul but were for one reason or another determined to give up, these birds of carrion prey swoop in to feast upon the weaknesses of these brave spirits.
   To those of you who would quit on a journey unfinished I will reveal to you the dark mystery of awakening. What lies deep within the chaos is a concept without foundation. You call it death. There is of course no real mystery in death but what is meant to die. What is to die are the various illusions of self so deeply gripped within your psyche that are formed by interacting with chaos. These are called soul traps and are the anchors for chakra blocks. What is eternal can not be touched by chaos. Beyond all illusion is the soul. The great gift of the omnipresent god who is called the holy spirit by the christians.
   To understand what it is that must die, I need to set clear the many misconceptions surrounding the soul. All is soul, yet you, as you think of yourself, are not. What you are and what you think you are, makes the difference between real and unreal or in other words the fantasy and the reality. There is the soul of man which is animal in nature (translate the word soul to latin). This is your body. Throughout all doctrines this is called the beast.
   They say you are the soul and you have a body. This is a misconception surrounding the soul of man. You are in fact a spirit within a universal shared mind which has boundaries determined only by you. You the spirit, the spark, ARE that soul and are in fact within your body lurking in the base of your spine. It is entirely separate from your body which is to say it does not make any contact with it. The body (and the subtle bodies it is composed of) itself really is in all absolute certainty like a hologram generated by the interaction between the electromagnetic emissions of the spirit and what has in one way been dubbed "primary anomaly" or effectively the "void" surrounding the spirit. 
    So your consciousness then is in fact always residing in place as that spirit at the base of the spine however, like believing in the dream until you awaken, it is so immersed in the hologram that it forgets where and what it is and assumes the roles it finds in the dream in order to navigate the mystery of itself, YOU. 
    The journey of awakening is the traversing of your consciousness down the Shushumna, which is the spine, to reach HOME where you will find yourself in likely terrible condition due to being forgotten and rise back up quite literally carrying yourself to finally emerge out of the crown and into the heavenly realms within the universal field of mind. 
    Before this journey can ever begin all illusion borne out of chaos must be dissolved. These are the chakra blocks. So here we reach a particular understanding as to what you are actually experiencing that has lead to so much misery.
   Your goal has always been to retrieve your soul, the spirit, however, you have your own preferred pace and in some cases you would likely have preferred multiple lifetimes because you don't handle pressure very well. Unfortunately as the epoch draws to a close, the pressure rapidly increases and in the case of a few, you have rebelled against your original goal, deciding on some level that you simply refuse to operate under such pressure. Well the end of the age can't be stopped and for those of you i'm referring to, the pain will only increase and the harvesters of sorrow are eagerly awaiting to feast upon your misery.

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